César López Seoane
1977, A Coruña, Galicia, España.
In 2009 I have my first contact with photography and with a camera. In 2011, I bought second-hand digital photographic equipment and started taking pictures during the social demonstrations that took place that year in my city.
Self-taught, thanks to the help of friends related to the world of photography, looking at the work of other photographers I admire, and thanks to the generosity of all those who share their work and advice, I am learning along the way, trying to improve my way of working and the final result, trying different themes such as portrait, social, sports... being the landscape where I end up focusing my work.
Mainly influenced by the work of photographers such as Ansel Adams, Michael Kenna, Hengki Koentjoro, Joel Tjintjelaar or Chris Friel, among many others, both classic and contemporary, I take black and white photographs, using techniques such as long exposure and deliberate camera movement.
2024 IPA International Photography Awards
- Official Selection - Architecture - Bridges - "Bajo el puente" (2020)
Minimalist Photography Awards
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - "Paisaje interior"
2023 ND Awards
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Others - "La roca que soñaba ser montaña"
- Bronze - Architecture - Bridges - "Bajo el puente" (2020)
2022 ND Awards
- First place and Gold Star - Architecture - Bridges - "Bajo el puente" (2020)
- First place and Gold Star - Fine Art - Landscape - "Isla, sol y niebla"
PX3 Prix de la Photographie París
- Silver - Architecture - Bridges - "Bajo el puente" (2020)
Moscow International Photo Awards (Mifa)
- Bronze - Architecture - Bridges - "Bajo el puente" (2020)
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Landscape - "La Isla"
2021 Minimalist Photography Awards
- Honorable Mention - Abstract - "Texturas de Riazor"
2020 ND Awards
- First place and Gold Star - Fine Art - Others - "Sol sumergido"
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Landscape - "Reflejos en la niebla"
IPA International Photography Awards
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Abstract - "Máscaras de Cecebre"
PX3 Prix de la Photographie París
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Landscape - "Sol sumergido"
Minimalist Photography Awards
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - "Sol sumergido"
2019 ND Awards
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Abstract - "Sueños abstractos"
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Landscape - "Costa Norte"
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Landscape - "Sanabria nevado"
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Landscape - "Refugio de Verdes"
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Others - "Sueño de Invierno"
Monovisions Awards Photography
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - "Sueño de invierno en blanco y negro"
XXI Certame Fotográfico Xosé Manuel Eirís
- Carballo Special Awards - "Sueño de invierno"
2017 ND Awards
- Honorable Mention - Fine Art - Others - "Horizontes inventados"
2015 Pixall Spotting
- Finalist - "Cobra"
2023 - Cover photo for the book by Gabriela Berini: POESÍA PARA EL CAMINO, Ed. Talón de Aquiles.
- PX3 Prix de la Photographie París: The Annual Book of Winners 2022
2021 - B&W Minimalism: Minimalismmag - Annual Book 2020
2020 - B&W Minimalism: B&W Minimalism Magazine, Issue 21 (pág. 52)
2019 - B&W Minimalism: Minimalismmag - Annual Book 2018
2018 - B&W Minimalism: B&W Minimalism Magazine, Issue 14 (pág.62-63)
- B&W Minimalism: B&W Minimalism Magazine, Issue 13 (pág.44)
2016 - Camerapixo Magazine: 24/7 black and white, vol.2- "chimeneas" (pág. 92)
2014 - Camerapixo Magazine: FineArt (en)Visionography- "no beating heart"(pág.128)
"Unha viaxe a Marte"
Colective exhibition at ARTY!MARKET for the FFOCO photography festival.
Project by Mark Zlick.
"Unha viaxe a Marte" is an imaginary trip to an unknown territory, captained by Mark Zlick in the company of a crew of explorers who, in some way, participate in the expedition. Among them, Simone Maestra, Marta Durigon, César L. Seoane and Amaya Roldán.
Starting form the territory shown in the photographs on the wall, the exhibition is completed with the travelers added on the same day of the presentation through the taking of their portraits with a large format camera and instant film.
Exhibition 15´
Collective exhibition at the Café Universal, on the occasion of the FFoco, A Coruña Photography Festival, in which I participate with an unpublished photograph that is posted together with those of the other authors, and a series of 10 photographs of the project: From the traces of time, Costa de Asturias, in the collective projection.
Exhibition of the III Guille Martí Revillo Photo Contest
Collective exhibition in which I participate with one of the photographs that I presented to the contest, "Snap" that was selected by the jury to be part of the exhibition of the winning images and a selection of the best photographs presented to this third edition of the contest. The exhibition was postponed until 2022 due to the pandemic. Finally, it is exhibited at the Gullón Theater in Astorga, León, in the Antoni Asunción Hernández Penitentiary Center in Picassent and at the Carmen Center for Contemporary Culture in Valencia.
Exhibition of the XXI Photographic Contest Xosé Manuel Eirís
Collective exhibition with the winning photographs and a selection of the best photographs presented in this edition, in which I participated with the photograph "Winter Dream", winner of the Carballo Special Prize, and "Tree", selected for the exhibition.
César L. Seoane photographic exhibition
Solo exhibition at Cafeteria Aquitania, A Coruña, a small representation of my best-known landscape and Fine Art photographs,...11 photographs in different formats and sizes, taken over the last 5 years in different locations in A Coruña, León and Asturias.
Lago de Sanabria
Individual exhibition at Casa Vega, A Coruña, a sample of the most recent work to date, 4 small photographs in a 15x15cm square format, taken during a short visit to Sanabria Lake, Zamora, that same year.
Diez sueños y una emoción desesperada
Joint exhibition at Espacio Coruña, made up of: "Cuando el color entró en mi vida" (a series of illustrations by Miguel Janeiro) "Diez sueños y una emoción desesperada" (a compilation of my landscapes with long exposure and intentional camera movement) and "Historias de una imagen" (part in which we mix the two techniques, with drawings by Miguel on some of my photographs)
Copyright © César López Seoane | All rights reserved